W e c r e a t e a c o m p l e t e e x p e r i e n c e !


Y o u a r e a l w a y s w e l c o m e !

Visits to Keković Estate will introduce you to the world of wine production, wine aging, the process of obtaining top flavors and aromas, as well as introduce you to the way to experience and enjoy wine and olives in the most beautiful way!


D e j a n K e k o v i c

For more than 40 years, three generations of the Keković family have nurtured the tradition of producing top quality wines for the enjoyment of moments at the vineyard in the heart of Montenegro.


N e w s

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Visit our blog for information about news from our winery, promotions and exhibitions.


MonteVino2024 took place on March 15 and 16 in the Crystal Hall of the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica. Montenegro, known


O u r r e s t a u r a n t

Discover the heart of the Keković winery, where exquisite taste meets supreme pleasure. Our intimate space offers an unforgettable fine dining experience through the careful pairing of food and top wines.

Surrender to the sophisticated atmosphere of our small restaurant, where every bite and every sip become delicately balanced moments of enjoyment.

T h e t r a d i t i o n o f t h e K e k o v i ć w i n e r y

Raising the family tradition to a higher level, Keković Estate aims to produce premium quality wines.

Our story

K e k o v i c E s t a t e

The company “KEKOVIC CO” was founded in 2018, with the aim of producing and commercializing wines, olives, olive oil, lavender oil and other agricultural products with family spirit and energy.

Despite the company’s youth, the staff has a lot of experience and knowledge in the field of business and agriculture, so it is not a surprise that the company is growing rapidly year after year.

All business processes of the company are carried out in compliance with the most modern business and safety standards. Also, the company is committed to social responsibility and implementing environmental and business standards.